Hibachi at Home
5 Best Hibachi Grills
There are a lot of reasons to consider the best hibachi grills on the market. Cooking hibachi style is fun, easy, a crowd pleaser, a kid pleaser, and it's way cheaper to host a hibachi party in your own back yard than at a hibachi restaurant. My kids absolute favorite restaurant for any celebratory dinner is a hibachi restaurant here called Sakura. For birthdays - Sakura. For the closing performances of plays - Sakura. For sports team victories - Sakura. To celebrate that it is Monday, which means only 5 more days till the weekend - Sakura. Sakura may be fun, but it is not cheap. One of our four kids may have to forgo college to make up for our Sakura tab over the last decade! (Never mind that all food is doused in soy sauce at Sakura and soy sauce gives me migraines. The grills are so coated with soy sauce that even if I request my fish prepared with only olive oil, I do not escape the wrath of my head.) Owning our own hibachi grill just makes more sense, especially with the added bonus of the kids running to the dinner table to join in the fun. I've scoped out the best hibachi grills so you can get on the hibachi trend at your house too:
iBBQ's Angara Maximus Grill Table I'm starting with the Mac Daddy of hibachi grills. This luxurious teakwood table with LED lighting and push-button grill controls brings the hibachi restaurant right onto your patio - minus the chef, as with this table, everyone seated around it is a chef. #Socialgrilling with be the new go-to hashtag for festive family dinners and parties at your house that everyone will talk about (and post about - but not until after, as guests will be too engaged with the interactive dinner to think about their digital devices!). Available on iBBQ.
Enjoy hibachi at home around the Angara Maximus grill table from iBBQ.
2. iBBQ's Angara Grill Table This is iBBQ's basic version grill table, but there's nothing basic about it. This delivers the same social grilling experience as the Maximus, minus the LED lighting and a few other extra features. The Angara starts at $2,950. For that you get both a beautiful tigerwood dining table and a grill. #greatdeal (FYI, the grill grates are separated into sections and are dishwasher safe. #easy!)
iBBQ's Angara grill table, starting from $2,950. Available in 4, 6, or 8-seater size.
3. Backyard Hibachi Flattop Propane Gas Grill - Torched Cypress If you're looking for a more compact hibachi grill, at a height that works for a chef who wants to cook on his feet, consider this flattop grill from Torched Cypress. Guests will feel like they are in Asia when they gather around this grill, but its exotic look is actually the handiwork of artisans in the U.S. $1,550 on Amazon.
Torched Cypress Flattop Hibachi Grill
4. Marsh Allen Cast Iron Hibachi Charcoal Grill If you want a much more compact grill and are a charcoal fan, this 10" x 18" grill is a great choice for a small patio or a couple who likes to keep their hibachi dinners intimate. Available for the price of an entree or two at a hibachi restaurant... $41.50 on Amazon.
Marsh Allen Kay Home Products Castiron Charcoal Hibachi Grill
5. Lodge Cast Iron Sportsman's Grill This hibachi style grill is portable yet stylish! Great for picnics, tailgaiting, camping, or your patio. It comes in two adjustable heights. $85 on Amazon.
Lodge Sportsman Portable Charcoal Hibachi Grill